Saturday, May 22, 2010

Family Reunited :)

I apologize for not having an update on Troy yesterday. I decided to come see my girls yesterday and left town at 7pm and hit the road going south to Florida.

There are some friends of ours that are driving up on Tuesday to see Troy and coming right back, so I decided to bring the girls with me and call Brianna's school on Monday and excuse her until Tuesday. I'll send them back down with our friends when they come back home.

We will finally be reunited! Even if for 2 days me, Troy and the girls will be together. I'm excited!

I thank God every day for the Aiken family, and the other members of the church, that have helped with caring for my girls. I don't know what I would do without them. I am so grateful and there are no words that I can say that will be able to express my gratitude for everyone!

Troy's dad is with him this weekend. I spoke with him a little while ago and he says that when he asked Troy to push down against his hand with his foot he did. He also said that he opened his eyes, and even though he wasn't tracking him around the room he says his stare wasn't such a blank stare anymore. So, that was great news to hear!

I will be going back to Atlanta tomorrow after church. I can't wait for all of us to be together and to have the girls there interacting with Troy to see if maybe they can trigger him to emerge from the coma!

It was nice being home and to know that my neighbors are truly a blessing to us! I am so happy that we are surrounded by such wonderful people! The support that has been shown to us, all over the place, especially by our neighbors, is amazing and I am overwhelmed by it! I feel bad now because we have always kept to ourselves and never really interacted much with neighbors, but I guess this is how you find out what having a true good neighbor is. All that matters is that we are there for each other when we need it most! That's just awesome! Love you guys!!!


  1. may gods hand on troy and his wife and children be everpresent

  2. Joany,
    As you keep mentioning God's purpose in all this, I know that it is so big and so mighty and SO many people will be blessed thru this, because just by reading this and knowing you guys, I have been so blessed, I know that only Gods grace can be keeping you so strong I know that in him we find strength that we maybe never even imagined to have. Joany when Cesar and I talk about all that being a christian is, all that we would like to do, it all boils down to "I want to see Gods love and power shine thru me" and I have to say I see it so clear thru your situation. I thank God for putting you guys in our lives.. We love you and continue praying for you,

  3. Joan,
    The word has spread about Troy around the town of Harmony and we are all praying with and for your family!!!!! Don't feel bad about anything. Troy has always been their to lend a helping hand in our time of need. When Ron injured his knee a few months back...Troy and Tyra came over to visit and chat with him. Troy noticed on his way out that our door knob was loose. He did not hesitate to go and get his tools and start fixing on our door knob. Ron was struggling to put a part on the car a few months ago. Troy drove up and saw that Ron needed help. He didn't just stand their and watch. He fixed the part for Ron without hesitation. To sum it all all have never been detached from us. We all have lives, children and families and sometimes we are not able to communicate the way we would like. God see our hearts and he knows the good that we desire to do. You all are family and we love you with our whole hearts. Don't worry about anything in Harmony. We have everything under control. Just take care of Troy and with God's help...we will do the rest.

    I speak for all of Red Lantern Drive!!!! We love and miss you guys. It was a wonderful suprise to see you this weekend.
