Tuesday, May 18, 2010

New Room

Troy is now out of ICU. He is in a regular hospital room. It's a shared room, but Troy gets the two windows in the room! Yay :) He is still comatose, but there in the regular room he will continue to get better and they will aggressively start rehab with him starting tomorrow.

He is breathing on his own, but still has the trache in his throat. The pulmonary doctor put a plug on the trache to see if Troy was able to breath through his mouth and nose on his own and Troy struggled with it so they had to take the plug out and let him continue breathing through the trache. The doctor's goal is to get Troy breathing completely independently and not needing to have the trache in his throat so they can take that out. The next step now is for them to do rehab with him, even in the state he is now. They will get him up and out of bed every day and do exercises with him. I get to be a part of that for the next 2 to 3 days so I can't wait to see what that will entail and how much I will learn from it!

They started him on neuro stimulating medicine this morning to try to get his brain to be more aroused. I didn't notice much change physically, except for the fact that Troy opened his eyes more frequently today. He had moments when he had them closed, but then he would open them and have them wide open and blinking for a few minutes at a time. That is definitely an improvement. He is still not following commands and when his eyes are open he doesn't really look at anything and does not follow objects (I tried everything I could think of to get him to follow me around the room), but it was refreshing to see him blinking with his eyes open.

The doctor I spoke with today did tell me that Troy is doing well otherwise. He has been stable now for quite some time so they will do whatever they can to arouse him and have him emerge from the coma.

The plan of this hospital is to have him undergo intense physical therapy for 5 to 6 weeks. The goal is to get him to wake up in that time frame. If he doesn't, then they will reassess the situation and either consider moving him to a less rehab center or nursing home, or simply send him home with me. I will begin taking classes this week on learning how to care for him and what to expect through out the different stages of recovery.

I am prepared for anything, but I also know that the God I worship is an awesome God and He will do what is right in His time...not mine. I am just here as a vessel to do whatever I was put here to do - and right now, my job is to be a good wife and stand by my husband in his time of need.

I miss my girls, I miss home, I miss Troy, I miss my life the way it was before May 1st, but God has big plans for us and I have to remain faithful and prayerful. Thanks to all that are remaining prayerful with me. I hope today is the beginning of a lot more better days with good news to come!

I can't wait to see what God will be doing with him tomorrow!!


  1. Joan,
    This is awesome news!!!! Keep the faith and we will all keep praying. God did not bring Troy this far in the recovery process to leave him. He is going to wake up and get better. The signs are already evident!!!! God is awesome and he is also a miracle worker!!! Troy is the Miracle from Red Lantern Drive!!!! We miss you guys so much and are praying that you all will be home soon.

    Love Always,
    Ron, Monica and Cre!!!!!!

  2. Hey Joan! We love you, Troy and the girls. Praying for you constantly, sister. You said "I am prepared for anything, but I also know that the God I worship is an awesome God and He will do what is right in His time..." Made me think of this song.


  3. Dios mio..que bueno que hiciste esto para informarnos siempre,tenlo en tu pajina para asi acordarno de chequear siempre. Imajino que cancelaste tus clase del College me imajinn, la falta aque te hacen las ninas como madre me imajino, pero Dios te ayudara y todo volvera a ser como ante. estamos orando por el siempre. Dios te siga dando fortaleza. quisiera poder acompanarte en estos momentos, no se si se podria ir a verlo, me encantaria verte.esperando que tenga buena noticias. un abrazo..tu tia Angela

  4. Joan,,glad Troy has his room and you will be helping and learning. God keep you strong, and bless each of you. My prayers are flowing each day
    for your entire family. Sincerely, Chip

  5. Hi Joan, just letting you know that we're keeping you in our prayers. We are praying that you would remain strong during these hard times, and we're definitely asking for complete healing for Troy. On a random note, I had a dream last night and I saw Troy walking past a door and I remember being shocked to see him because nobody had told me that he had recovered. Anyway, I thought that was sort of strange but cool at the same time.Stay strong. There's a lot of people praying for you!

  6. We love you Joan. I know you don't hear from us often but I want you to know that we are praying everyday with you. God's glory is exhibited in you. What an awesome woman of God you are! And how blessed is Troy to have chosen you as his wife! I read your posts every day and I appreciate that you take time out to keep us all informed. He has an army of angels encamped around him and a legion of prayer warriors lifting up praises on your behalf. When all of this is over,you will be amazed at the peace and strength you have been given throughout all of it. To God be the GLORY! Love, Tamu and Fam

  7. Thank you everyone for your comments!

    Debra, it's funny you say about the dream because I have dreamnt with him a few times. Some of them aren't so nice - I had one the other night that I had gotten to the room to visit with him first thing in the morning and they told me he had passed away. Yikes! I OBVIOUSLY jumped out of bed! But the other times I have dreamnt with him either coming home or walking in from another room and I'm in complete shock because the hospital never called me to come pick him up. LOL.

    It's amazing how our mind plays tricks on us. I like the dreams where he's awake and well. :)

    Thanks for sharing that dream. That's really sweet :)

  8. Dear Joan,
    you probably don't remember me, but I am your cousin Coryn... Years back, my family and I came to Florida to have fun and visit you and your family. I remember that trip like it was yesterday... The whole family came. Anyways, even though you don't remember me(most likely don't remember me) I remember you and I want to say that I am sorry for all you are going through. I can only imagine what it's like being worried about the one you devoted your life to day in, day out. I just stopped by to tell you that our God is a healer! You must trust and believe that God WILL work His magic in no time! Stay faithful! Don't you ever give up on God, because He's never given up on you. Speak that to Troy while he's in his coma. Speak it! But you CANNOT speak something you don't believe... Do you believe it? I know you do. So speak it. Here's the order: Learn it, know it\comprehend it, believe it, and then speak it! Troy will recover because he has God on his side. Make sure he knows that, and remain by his side, holding his hand through it all. Troy'll get through it, you'll get through it, and the whole family will get through it. But make sure everyone kows that God is on his side! Continue to be the trooper I know you are! Great job, goodluck, and God loves as well as I...
