Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Eyes Open = Progress :)

Troy had his eyes open pretty much the entire day today. I walked into his room this morning and I said "Good morning, honey!" and he opened his eyes! That was the best reply to my "good morning" greeting that I have ever had from him! It was awesome!

Rehab therapy also went really well today. They had him sitting up on in a seated position with a therapist holding him up from behind and they did a lot of practicing with him holding his head up. He did really well with that as well. He was able to keep his head up for a few seconds at a time. Then when they brought him back to the room and put him back in bed, he pretty much kept his eyes open the rest of the afternoon while in bed. He's not panning around the room yet, but talking to him with his eyes open is so much nicer!

God is showing his power through Troy and it's so amazing to watch God work like this! I've said it before, and I'll say it again, Troy's recovery is, and will be, a tremendous testimony! God's timing is perfect in Troy's healing and I am so overwhelmed by God's grace! Thanks for all the prayers and continue to keep Troy in your prayers for continued healing!


  1. what a wonderful update!!! How nice that he is doing so well!

    Tina and girls

  2. Joan,
    Praise God on high!!!! Troy is steadily making progress. The prayers are being answered!!!!!! Great news and update. Continue to be encouraged!!!! God is working it all out:-).

    Ron, Monica and Cre(Your neighbors).

  3. That is great news Joan. My wife and I are praying
    very hard, and know God's grace and power will pull you all through this. Blessed be the Lord.
    Sincerely, Chip and Sally Gann

  4. God is awesome. God is gonna show us a mircale get ready to be amazed. praise the Lord. tell Troy cousin Sheila loves him and i am praying for him ALWAYS and there is power in prayer. be encouraged Joan hold on to your faith and we soon shall shout in victory. love you all cousin sheila

